Lesson Overview:
01) The Birth of Jesus. The Visit of the Wise Men
02) God John the Baptist Prepares the Way. The Baptism of Jesus
03) The Temptation of Jesus In the Wilderness: He Begins His Ministry
04) The Sermon On the Mount: The Beatitudes
05) The Sermon On the Mount: The Spirituality of the Law
06) The Sermon On the Mount: The Model Prayer
07) The Sermon On the Mount: The True Motive In Service
08) The Sermon On the Mount: The True Standard of Character
09) A Leper Cleansed. The Centurion’s Servant Healed
10) Jesus Stills the Tempest. Two Demoniacs Cured
11) Jesus Cures A Paralytic. Matthew Called
12) The Ruler’s Daughter Raised. The Afflicted Woman Cured
13) The Twelve Apostles: Their Mission. The Cost and Rewards of Service